Fun Kids Crafts
Easter Sock Bunnies
No sew sock bunnies that need only odd socks, filling, felt and glue. We’ve made these into Easter bunnies but you could transform yours into other animals too.
Kids can play with them or even put on a little Easter play with them. A great make for indoor activities.
Time: 15 minutes
Ages: Little kids to Big kids
Difficulty: Easy peasy

You will need:
- Odd socks
- Stuffing or cotton wool (you can also use rice or lentils)
- Elastic bands
- Scissors
- Felt
- Glue (PVA or fabric glue)
- Ribbon
- Pom pom (optional)

Step 1: Stuff your sock
Fill your sock with stuffing. You can use cotton wool, rice, lentils or even scrunched up tissue.
Fill it until it’s about two thirds full.

Step 2: Add two elastic bands
Add two elastic bands to section your bunny’s body and head. So add one elastic band just over half way up to make the body.
Then add the other elastic band at the top of where you stuffed your sock to make the head.

Step 3: Cut the ears
Now look at the top of your sock. The part that is not filled.
Take a pair of scissors and cut down the centre. You will see that this is the start of your bunny’s ears.

Step 4: Shape the ears
Cut both sides to make them look a little more like bunny ears.

Step 4: Cut some felt shapes
Cut two small inner ear shapes from pink or white felt.
Then cut out two little circles from black felt for your bunny’s eyes.
Cut out a round nose shape from black felt too.

Step 5: Glue on the details
Glue on the felt inner ears, the eyes and nose.
To finish tie a coloured ribbon around your bunny’s neck.
You could also glue a pom pom tail on the back if you like.