Time: 15 mins
Age: Little kids to Teens
Difficulty: Easy peasy

What you need:
- Pebbles, flat and smooth
- Acrylic paints
- Paint brushes
- Sharpie pens

Step 1: Paint your pebbles
Paint your pebbles in one colour.
Acrylic paint covers the stones well so we recommend it over other paints.
You will need to apply two coats to get the best cover.

Step 2: Paint a love heart
Once the background paint is dry, paint a large heart on your pebbles in another colour.

Step 3: Add dotty details
Dip a fine paint brush into paint and make lots of little dots along the outline of your heart to add some detail.
You can also use Sharpie pens to do this.
When the paint has dried you can dip your brush in a different colour and add a few more features like a shape inside the heart, or more dots.
Or you can paint an outline around the heart in a different colour.
You can make your pebbles as simple or fancy as you like.
Both look pretty.
Enjoy your little heart painted rocks

You can use them as cute paperweights and decorations in the home.
Or you could take them out on your next walk and leave them along the path for others to find and brighten their day!