Time: 15 mins
Age: Little kids to Big kids
Difficulty: Easy peasy

You will need:
- Smooth pebbles
- Acrylic paints
- Paint brushes
- Sharpie pens
- A little nest (optional – you can buy these online or at craft shops)
- Shredded tissue (or feathers of moss) to line the nests – optional

Step 1: Paint your pebbles
Paint your pebbles all over in yellow paint.
Acrylic paints work best to cover the pebbles well.
You will probably need to add 2 coats.

Step 2: Paint some little egg shells
When the base layer has dried, use white paint to create little cracked egg shells.
Make a zig zag line at the top of your white egg section.

Step 3: Add the details with Sharpies
When dry, draw a black line over the zig zag egg shell edges to make a bold outline.
Then draw on some eyes and a beak.

Step 4: Nestle your chicks in their nest
Line your little nest with shredded tissue.
You could use feathers or moss too, if you can find some on a walk.
Then pop your little rocks chicks into their nest.
Enjoy this Easter rock painting craft for kids