Time: 10 mins
Age: Toddlers to Big kids
Difficulty: Easy peasy

You will need:
- A plastic fork
- Yellow paint
- Googly eyes
- A small piece of orange felt or card
- Scissors
- Glue
- Black pen

Step 1: Start printing
Dip the back of your fork into yellow paint and print onto a piece of paper or card.
Keep adding more and more prints, moving round in a circle to start making your little chick.

Step 2: Print your fluffy chick
Keep printing with your fork until you have covered a complete circle.
Overlap the fork prints to make your chick nice and fluffy.

Step 3: Add the eyes and beak
Cut a small triangle of orange felt or card and glue in in place for the beak.
Then stick on some fun googly eyes.
If you don’t have googly eyes you can draw eyes on using your sharpie pen.

Step 4: Give your chick some legs
Use your black pen to add on some little legs for your chick and to complete your lovely Easter painting.
Enjoy your beautiful Easter chick fork painting!