Time: 15 mins
Age: Toddlers to Little kids
Difficulty: Easy peasy

You will need:
- Wooden spoons
- Acrylic paints – grey and pink
- Paintbrushes
- Sharpie pens

Step 1: Paint your spoons
Paint your spoons in a background colour.
We used acrylic paints, which give a nice covering over wood.
You will probably need two coats to get the best effect.

Step 2: Draw or paint on the details
Using either paint and a fine brush or Sharpie pens add little faces to bring your spoon puppets to life.
Start with the eyes by making little black dots, then add little ears at the top of the brush.
Draw out the outline of the noses of the little pigs and the wolf.
Finally draw a smile for the little pigs.
Colour in their noses and they’re all set.

Step 3: Enjoy imaginative play
Once your story spoon puppets are dry your child can have great fun acting out the story.
You could pop some extra props in a little basket to further enhance the play.
In this case you could pop piles of straw, sticks and Lego bricks in the basket for the three little pigs to build their houses.