Time: 10 mins
Age: Toddlers to little kids
Difficulty: Easy peasy

You will need:
- Toilet roll tubes
- Pipe cleaners
- Acrylic paints
- Paint brushes
- Googly eyes
- Glue
- Buttons, stickers and card

Step 1: Paint your tubes
Paint your toilet roll tubes with brightly coloured paint.
We used acrylic paints, which give a good cover.
You might need two coats for an even finish.

Step 2: Snip the tops
Snip zig zags or wavy lines into the top of your toilet roll tubes.

Step 3: Add loopy pipe cleaner arms
Make two small holes into the sides of your toilet roll tubes by piercing them with scissors.
Thread a pipe cleaner from one hole to the other.
Twist and bend the pipe cleaner to make loopy monster arms.

Step 4: Add the monster’s eyes and mouth
Glue on googly eyes and use a black pen to draw on the mouth.

Step 5: Add jazzy details
Stick buttons or stickers onto your monster and draw on patterns using felt pens.

Step 6: Cut out monster mouths
For added bite cut a small circle out of your tube to make an open monster mouth.
Then cut a strip of zig zag white card and glue it in place inside the tube and behind the open mouth.
Your paper roll monsters are ready to scare!
You can let your creativity flow to give each monster it’s own unique character. Why not make a whole family?