Time: 15 mins
Age: Little kids
Difficulty: Easy peasy

You will need:
- 10 wooden lollipop sticks
- White card
- Felt pens
- Scissors
- Buttons
- Blue tac

Step 1: Draw the snowmen heads
Using a fine black pen draw ten little snowmen heads.
On each hat draw a circle and write the numbers 1-10.
Alternatively you print out little snowman head pictures and write the numbers onto them. Our snowman printable is here.
If you prefer you can cut out small circles of white card and write a number from 1-10 inside. These can then be stuck onto his tophat.

Step 2: Carefully cut out the snowmen
Carefully cut out the snowmen heads.

Step 3: Stick them on the lolly sticks
Using blue tac stick the snowman heads to the top of your lolly sticks.

Step 4: Your snowmen are all ready to play
Ask your child to read the number on the snowman’s hat and place the matching amount of buttons on the stick.
They could use blue tac to stick them down or just place them on top of the stick. Either way your child can add or remove buttons to play the game again and again.

Step 5: Switch the game around
You can also play this game the other way round.
Keep the snowman heads off of the sticks. Add buttons on the sticks with blue tac in different quantities from 1-10.
Ask your child to count the buttons and match the correct snowman head to the stick.
Enjoy this fun snowman counting stick activity!