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10 Hilarious Sleep Deprivation Stories All New Parents Can Relate To

10 Hilarious Sleep Deprivation Stories All New Parents Can Relate To image

Did you try and open the front door by pressing your car key fob this morning?

Or did you put the kettle in the fridge after making your cuppa?

If so – we’re guessing you’re a new parent who is seriously sleep deprived. Lack of sleep can make us do some pretty weird things.

Here’s a round up of some of the most hilarious sleep deprivation stories shared by worn out parents. Have you ever done any of these?

Where’s the baby?

Where’s the baby?

This mama was so exhausted that she lost her baby. (Don’t worry, her story has a happy ending):

One night I realized my whole family was in the room with me but no one was holding the baby. Panicked, I yelled, ‘Where’s the baby?!’ My husband looked straight at me and said, ‘Um, honey, you’re nursing her.’ Jodiecoxs


This mama lost a baby that she then realised she never even had in the first place:

Woke up looked in the bassinet and saw one of my twins sleeping soundly frantically got up to look for my second baby only to realise. I never had twins.


Now you see it, now you don’t

Sleep deprivation stories all new parents will get - lack of sleep with a newborn and funny stories all new moms will relate to

Now you see it, now you don’t

Lack of sleep makes new parents more than a bit forgetful. This mama lost her phone in the most bizarre places – twice!

I put my phone in the dryer, only to take it out after hours of searching and place it promptly in the fridge! Ahhh, the good old days. Esther C


Where’s the weekly shop?

Where’s the weekly shop?

This mama actually managed to lose the entire weekly shop – that she’d just done.

I finished a full grocery shopping trip, then fastened the baby into her car seat and drove away — leaving all of the groceries in the cart in the parking lot. wilheminaintx


Trouble latching?

Sleep deprivation stories all new parents will get - lack of sleep with a newborn and funny stories all new moms will relate to

Trouble latching?

Breastfeeding can be tricky. More so when you put your nipple in the wrong place, like this mama did:

My little man was feeding in the middle of the night, and I was trying to help him re-latch. I was wondering why he wasn’t latching when I noticed I was trying to stick my nipple in his ear. Larissa T.M


More than he bargained for

More than he bargained for

When you’re breastfeeding you get used to letting it all hang loose. Which is fine.

Except when you give the delivery guy a bit of an eye full. Like this mama did without knowing it:

I was breastfeeding my oldest in my living room wearing only a bra and sweats. There was a knock at the door so I got up to answer it with my breast still hanging out of my bra. The UPS guy was shocked and kept looking away. I didn’t even realize what I’d done until hours later.


Morning mayhem

Sleep deprivation stories all new parents will get - lack of sleep with a newborn and funny stories all new moms will relate to

Morning mayhem

We’re all a bit bleary eyed at the best of times when we head to the bathroom in the morning.

But there is one quite vital thing we need to do before getting into a shower…

I got in the shower, water running…. with clothes and glasses still on.


And this sleepy mama made a bit of a gross mistake:

I brushed my teeth with muscle relaxer instead of toothpaste.


The mystery of the missing dog

The mystery of the missing dog

Mamas try to keep on top of everything. But sometimes they are so tired they forget vital tasks. Except when they don’t. But forgot that they didn’t…Do you follow? Over to this weary mum to explain:

I called the groomer, apologising profusely for forgetting to pick up my dog. My dog was sitting at my feet as I rang and apologised.


Adding a dog to the mix when you’ve got a new baby does seem to make things a little harder. This mum said:

I tried to attach the dog lead to my son while trying to take him to school.


Hush-a-Bye Baby

Hush-a-Bye Baby

We totally get this one. Your brain says keep on rocking that baby cradle. It also doesn’t register that your baby is in your arms and the cradle is totally empty.

One dad shared how his baby mama kept on rocking her little one’s bouncy chair while holding baby in her arms.

Or maybe you’ve gone to the supermarket without baby and started rocking the trolley as you queue. Even though our baby is safe at home.

Wardrobe fail

Wardrobe fail

It’s hard to carry out day to day tasks when we’re sleep deprived. Which is why those low-grade wardrobe fails are all too common. As this mama knows:

I spent the entire day wearing two totally different colored flip-flops. Carla W


Even the royals are not immune

Even the royals are not immune

Us mere mortals find sleep deprivation pretty hard to handle. So it makes us feel that little better when we see the upper echelons of society struggle too. 

Every parent across the land will have smiled in empathy when they saw Prince William nodding off during a long church service.

We would have snatched some precious zzzz’s too.

Some experts say that baby brain is not a thing. We beg to differ.


Did you ever do something weird or wacky when you were sleep deprived?

Healthier happier moms

Let us know in our parent chat room Healthier happier moms

A space where you can share the stories, challenges and wins of living a healthier lifestyle while raising little ones. 

10 Hilarious Sleep Deprivation Stories All New Parents Can Relate To

Sleep deprivation stories all new parents will get - lack of sleep with a newborn and funny stories all new moms will relate to

Did you try and open the front door by pressing your car key fob this morning?

Or did you put the kettle in the fridge after making your cuppa?

If so – we’re guessing you’re a new parent who is seriously sleep deprived. Lack of sleep can make us do some pretty weird things.

Here’s a round up of some of the most hilarious sleep deprivation stories shared by worn out parents. Have you ever done any of these?

Where’s the baby?

Where’s the baby?

This mama was so exhausted that she lost her baby. (Don’t worry, her story has a happy ending):

One night I realized my whole family was in the room with me but no one was holding the baby. Panicked, I yelled, ‘Where’s the baby?!’ My husband looked straight at me and said, ‘Um, honey, you’re nursing her.’ Jodiecoxs


This mama lost a baby that she then realised she never even had in the first place:

Woke up looked in the bassinet and saw one of my twins sleeping soundly frantically got up to look for my second baby only to realise. I never had twins.


Now you see it, now you don’t

Sleep deprivation stories all new parents will get - lack of sleep with a newborn and funny stories all new moms will relate to

Now you see it, now you don’t

Lack of sleep makes new parents more than a bit forgetful. This mama lost her phone in the most bizarre places – twice!

I put my phone in the dryer, only to take it out after hours of searching and place it promptly in the fridge! Ahhh, the good old days. Esther C


Where’s the weekly shop?

Where’s the weekly shop?

This mama actually managed to lose the entire weekly shop – that she’d just done.

I finished a full grocery shopping trip, then fastened the baby into her car seat and drove away — leaving all of the groceries in the cart in the parking lot. wilheminaintx


Trouble latching?

Sleep deprivation stories all new parents will get - lack of sleep with a newborn and funny stories all new moms will relate to

Trouble latching?

Breastfeeding can be tricky. More so when you put your nipple in the wrong place, like this mama did:

My little man was feeding in the middle of the night, and I was trying to help him re-latch. I was wondering why he wasn’t latching when I noticed I was trying to stick my nipple in his ear. Larissa T.M


More than he bargained for

More than he bargained for

When you’re breastfeeding you get used to letting it all hang loose. Which is fine.

Except when you give the delivery guy a bit of an eye full. Like this mama did without knowing it:

I was breastfeeding my oldest in my living room wearing only a bra and sweats. There was a knock at the door so I got up to answer it with my breast still hanging out of my bra. The UPS guy was shocked and kept looking away. I didn’t even realize what I’d done until hours later.


Morning mayhem

Sleep deprivation stories all new parents will get - lack of sleep with a newborn and funny stories all new moms will relate to

Morning mayhem

We’re all a bit bleary eyed at the best of times when we head to the bathroom in the morning.

But there is one quite vital thing we need to do before getting into a shower…

I got in the shower, water running…. with clothes and glasses still on.


And this sleepy mama made a bit of a gross mistake:

I brushed my teeth with muscle relaxer instead of toothpaste.


The mystery of the missing dog

The mystery of the missing dog

Mamas try to keep on top of everything. But sometimes they are so tired they forget vital tasks. Except when they don’t. But forgot that they didn’t…Do you follow? Over to this weary mum to explain:

I called the groomer, apologising profusely for forgetting to pick up my dog. My dog was sitting at my feet as I rang and apologised.


Adding a dog to the mix when you’ve got a new baby does seem to make things a little harder. This mum said:

I tried to attach the dog lead to my son while trying to take him to school.


Hush-a-Bye Baby

Hush-a-Bye Baby

We totally get this one. Your brain says keep on rocking that baby cradle. It also doesn’t register that your baby is in your arms and the cradle is totally empty.

One dad shared how his baby mama kept on rocking her little one’s bouncy chair while holding baby in her arms.

Or maybe you’ve gone to the supermarket without baby and started rocking the trolley as you queue. Even though our baby is safe at home.

Wardrobe fail

Wardrobe fail

It’s hard to carry out day to day tasks when we’re sleep deprived. Which is why those low-grade wardrobe fails are all too common. As this mama knows:

I spent the entire day wearing two totally different colored flip-flops. Carla W


Even the royals are not immune

Even the royals are not immune

Us mere mortals find sleep deprivation pretty hard to handle. So it makes us feel that little better when we see the upper echelons of society struggle too. 

Every parent across the land will have smiled in empathy when they saw Prince William nodding off during a long church service.

We would have snatched some precious zzzz’s too.

Some experts say that baby brain is not a thing. We beg to differ.


Did you ever do something weird or wacky when you were sleep deprived?

Healthier happier moms

Let us know in our parent chat room Healthier happier moms

A space where you can share the stories, challenges and wins of living a healthier lifestyle while raising little ones. 


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