You will need:
- Baubles – pale colours or pastels work best
- Brown acrylic paint
- Sharpie pens – one black and one red

Step 1: Make your thumbprint
Dip your thumb into some brown paint and carefully print it onto a bauble.

Step 2: Draw on the reindeer faces
Once the paint is completely dry then draw on little antlers, eyes and a red nose with permanent markers.
If you prefer to paint on the features you can do that instead.

Step 3: Try making different designs from your thumbprints
Try making different Christmas designs using thumbprints.
We made this cute snowman.
You could try making a robin, penguin or an angel.
We recommend giving new designs a go on paper first before you add them to your baubles.
These thumbprint baubles make beautiful gifts for Christmas for your child to give out, to family, friends or their teacher