Time: 10 mins
Age: Toddler to Big kids
Difficulty: Easy peasy

You will need:
- Pine cones
- Green acrylic paint
- Little pom poms
- Green glitter
- Bottle tops
- Tacky glue (optional)

Step 1: Paint your pine cones
Paint your pine cones all over with green acrylic paint.
Take some time to cover both the insides and outsides of the branches of the pine cone.

Step 2: Add some glitter
Sprinkle some glitter onto the pine cones while the paint is still wet.
If you need to add some tacky glue and sprinkle some more on.

Step 3: Pop on the pom poms
Once the paint is dry press little pom poms into the branches of your pine cone tree to decorate it.

Step 4: Place your trees in their stands
Bottle tops make a perfect little tree stand for your finished pine cones.
You can stand them up in the upturned bottle tops.
If you prefer you can attach twine to the tops of your cones to hang them from the Christmas tree.
Enjoy this fun Christmas pine cone craft!