Time: 10 mins
Age: Little kids to teens
Difficulty: Easy peasy

You will need:
- Card
- Scissors
- Pens
- A glass jar

Step 1: Cut out lots of heart shapes
Cut out several hearts from pink, red or patterned card.
Leave enough space to write your note in the middle.

Step 2: Write your messages
On each heart write down a reason why you love your child.
It could be the way they make you feel, the funny things they do that make you laugh, how much you love the way their nose wrinkles when they smile…

Step 3: Share the love
Now you have all your hearts you could stick them to your child’s door on the night before Valentine’s Day.
That way they will get a lovely surprise in the morning.
You can also pop all your hearts in a jar. That way they’re there for your child to read over and over when they need a smile.
Get the kids involved
These Valentines hearts notes for kids are such a lovely way of reminding them of all the positive qualities they have.
Why not get the kids involved in making some too?
They could make them for Mum, Dad, their brother or sister, Gran and Grandad or their friends.
You can either give children blank hearts to write on or give them some hearts with prompts already written on them, to help spark ideas.