Time: 10 mins
Age: Toddlers to Little kids
Difficulty: Easy peasy

You will need:
- Toilet rolls
- Black and white paints – we recommend acrylic paints
- Paintbrush
- Yellow and black card
- Yellow felt (optional)
- Googly eyes
- PVA glue
- Scissors

Step 1: Paint your penguin
Paint your penguin tummy with white paint and then cover the rest of the toilet roll with black paint.
We used acrylic paint, which covers the card well and has a lovely finish.

Step 2: Cut the other penguin pieces from card
Cut out a few shapes to make your penguin stand out:
- a rectangle of yellow card for the penguins ‘hair’
- a small diamond for his beak
- two wing shapes from black card
- two little feet from either yellow card or felt

Step 3: Give your penguin a haircut
Glue a rectangle of yellow card to the top of your toilet roll.
Make little snips with scissors to give your penguin a funky haircut.

Step 4: Add the wings and the beak
Fold your little card diamond in half and glue it in place as the beak.
Then glue on the two black wings.

Step 5: Add the eyes and feet
Finally glue on some googly eyes and two little felt (or card) feet.
Now your penguin is complete.
Why not make a few more loony penguins to keep him company?