Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing dad unknown
Dads can be their little girl’s ‘favourite’ sometimes. The one they call to when they are getting ready for bed, the one they want to read them stories and play wild games with.
And many dads have a special place in their heart for their little girls as well.
A new study shows that a father’s love for his daughter gives her some very real benefits that can last a lifetime.
As well as helping her feel happy and loved from day to day, great Dads can help her do better in lots of walks of life.
Daughters who have a strong and close relationship with their dad are more likely to:
Do better at school
Studies show that when dads are more involved, their daughters are more likely to enjoy school, enjoy learning and get better grades.
So next time you find yourself at your daughter’s teacher-parent evening and get a glowing report, you can feel a little bit proud that you played a big part in how well they are doing.
Have fewer behavioural problems
Putting in so much time to make your daughter feel loved and special doesn’t just help them do well in their school work but it means they are more likely to behave better too.
When your little girl has so much positive attention from a dad who tells her how amazing she is and who champions her then she’s less likely to play up in the classroom.
Be less lonely
No dad wants his little girl to be lonely. You know how special and funny and kind and clever they are. So it hurts if nobody else sees that too.
The good news is that even if your child goes through a time when they feel lonely, dads can play a pretty important role in helping them overcome it.
A new study, published in 2018 in the Journal of Family Psychology, revealed that if daughters are close to their fathers, this protects them and helps them overcome loneliness more quickly.
A dad’s love can be like a big protective bear hug.
Form better friendships
Having Dad as their first friend gives your daughter a great role model for future friendships they will form.
Girls who are close to their dads are more likely to be more popular and be better at both making and keeping friends.
We all know that we can get through almost anything with a little help from our friends.
Have better mental health
Every dad wants their little girl to be happy above almost anything else.
It turns out that building a strong bond with them plays a big part in making them so.
Girls who have a good relationship with their dad are less likely to develop anxiety and depression.
They are much better at dealing with stress and bouncing back from life’s setbacks.
They are also more comfortable talking about their feelings, which helps them in so many ways as they go through life.
Have a better body image
One of the big concerns for girls growing up today is body confidence.
There is a hugely concerning rise in the number of children and adolescents being treated for eating disorders.
Dads can play a big part in preventing eating disorders and in helping girls recover from them more quickly too.
Again the bond you form can help with that too. Studies have found that daughters who have a strong emotional bond with their dad are more likely to have a better body image and are less likely to develop an eating disorder.
And if they do become ill then daughters can get better more quickly if dads are involved in their recovery.
Form better relationships
As her dad you’re the one who shows her how women are supposed to be treated.
She watches the way you are with her mum. She learns that the way you treat her is the way girls should be treated.
And if she sees good things then this provides her with a blueprint to measure all her future relationships against.
Who was it that said
A father’s job is not to teach his daughter to be a lady, it’s to teach her how a lady should be treated?
Turns out they were pretty spot on.
Dads matter. In so many ways. As a dad you can help make your daughter smarter, calmer, healthier and happier.
Just by doing all the little and big things you do to be there for her and be an amazing dad. So feel a little bit proud of yourself too!