Every day is a new adventure for toddlers. They’re so full of natural joy and exuberance that even a small thing that seems simple to you can be one they’ll love.
Here are 12 great ideas for making walks with toddlers fun for you both! Almost all of them are FREE too.
Pond dipping
Arm your toddler with a little fishing net and a plastic bucket and head to your local pond or river.
Let them dip their nets into the water to see what minibeasts or pond life they can catch.
Wave at trains
Trains hold endless fascination for toddlers. Take a trip to your local train station and have fun with the kids watching the trains go by.
Wave at the passengers. Your kids will be so excited if anyone waves back.
Sail away, sail away, sail away
Boat trips are magical. No matter how short the sail.
Find a boat trip, barge ride or pedalo in a country park near you. Toddlers will love the ride!

Minibeast hunting
While you may shiver and shudder, toddlers love creepie crawlies. Give your child a magnifying glass, a jar and a colourful book about insects.
Then head out to your local woodland or park to go minibeast hunting.
Take a ride on a mini steam train
Riding on a miniature steam train is so much fun. There are so many you can hop on board up and down the country.
Your little one will love it as the train speeds along the railway, tooting the horn along the way.
Foraging fun
Whatever the season there’s always some local produce to pick. And doing so makes such a fun day out for toddlers.
They’ll love picking berries in summer and brambles in autumn. Or choosing a pumpkin from the patch in October.
Make sure that they only pick safe and edible foods and that they wash them well before putting any in their mouths.
Little ones will relish the challenge of picking their own foods.
Meet some furry friends
Any trip which involves animals is a winner for little ones. And you don’t need to pay anything at all to see some furry friends. Some public parks near you might have animal enclosures.
Even a trip to your local pet store can be a great day out for toddlers. It’s a chance to watch hamsters, guinea pigs and rabbits scamper around their cages. And the colourful fish dart round their tanks.

Toy story
A trip to your local charity shop might seem dull to you.
To your toddler though, it’s a bit like entering an Alladin’s cave.
For a few pennies they could come back with some exciting new toys to play with that could fill your afternoon.
Puddle jumping
A rainy day makes your heart sink. Do you have to stay indoors with an energetic toddler?
Not according to Norwegians. They have a saying:
There is no bad weather, just bad clothing
(it rhymes in Norwegian so is snazzier).
Take a leaf out of their book and dress the kids head to toe in waterproofs. Then make bad weather part of your fun.
Find the biggest and best puddles and spend happy times jumping in them.
Go scoot
Little ones love scooters.
Head for a park or country walk where there are flat, smooth paths so they can scoot to their heart’s content.
Go crackers with the quackers
A walk to your local duck pond holds endless fun for toddlers. They’ll love throwing food and watching the ducks (and any passing seagulls) flock to eat it.
Some ducks might even come out of the pond and peck at crumbs on the ground around you. So your toddler can get a closer look too!

Paddling fun
In the summertime a trip to a park with a water fountain or shallow paddling pool is perfect for little ones. They might get wet, but they’ll have so much fun doing so.
If you’re armed with towels and spare clothes, messing about in water is magical.
Toddlers are full of the joy of life. Even simple days out will fire their enthusiasm.
An easy walk in the park can be as exciting as an expensive day out at a tourist attraction.
So pick your favourite idea for walks in the park, and my you both have bags of fun together.