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Shimmering spider web salt painting

Shimmering spider web salt painting image

Get ready for Halloween with this spooky, shimmering spider web salt painting. As you drop paint colours onto the salt, watch the paint spread and the colours blend.
Swirl Halloweeny colours together to make a web fit for the scariest spider in town.


Time: 10 minutes
Age: Toddlers to Big kids
Difficulty: Easy peasy

You will need:

How to make salt painted spiders web - enjoy this great Halloween craft for kids and make these beautiful spider web salt paintings

You will need:

  • Black card
  • Salt
  • PVA glue
  • White, orange and gold paint
  • Paint brushes
  • Glitter (optional)

Step 1: Use glue to draw your webs

How to make salt painted spiders web - enjoy this great Halloween craft for kids and make these beautiful spider web salt paintings

Step 1: Use glue to draw your webs

Squeeze PVA glue to draw some spider’s webs on your black card.

Step 2: Pour on the salt

How to make salt painted spiders web - enjoy this great Halloween craft for kids and make these beautiful spider web salt paintings

Step 2: Pour on the salt

Shake salt all over the picture until every bit of glue is covered.

Step 3: Shake it, shake it

How to make salt painted spiders web - enjoy this great Halloween craft for kids and make these beautiful spider web salt paintings

Step 3: Shake it, shake it

Now shake off all the salt over the bin, leaving behind salty webs.

Step 4: Drop on the paint

How to make salt painted spiders web - enjoy this great Halloween craft for kids and make these beautiful spider web salt paintings

Step 4: Drop on the paint

Water down a little pot of white, orange and gold paint. You want your paints to be very watery so that they will drip from the end of your brush.

Starting with the white paint, drop blobs over the salt until all the salt has been covered.

Step 5: Add some colour

How to make salt painted spiders web - enjoy this great Halloween craft for kids and make these beautiful spider web salt paintings

Step 5: Add some colour

Now add blobs of orange, and then gold paint to your webs to make them look more Halloweeny.

Step 6: Sparkle and shine

How to make salt painted spiders web - enjoy this great Halloween craft for kids and make these beautiful spider web salt paintings

Step 6: Sparkle and shine

Finally shake glitter all over the spider’s web to make it shimmer and glisten.

Your shimmering spider’s web painting can even be hung up as Halloween decorations!

How to make salt painted spiders web - enjoy this great Halloween craft for kids and make these beautiful spider web salt paintings

Shimmering spider web salt painting

How to make salt painted spiders web - Halloween craft for kids

Get ready for Halloween with this spooky, shimmering spider web salt painting. As you drop paint colours onto the salt, watch the paint spread and the colours blend.
Swirl Halloweeny colours together to make a web fit for the scariest spider in town.


Time: 10 minutes
Age: Toddlers to Big kids
Difficulty: Easy peasy

You will need:

How to make salt painted spiders web - enjoy this great Halloween craft for kids and make these beautiful spider web salt paintings

You will need:

  • Black card
  • Salt
  • PVA glue
  • White, orange and gold paint
  • Paint brushes
  • Glitter (optional)

Step 1: Use glue to draw your webs

How to make salt painted spiders web - enjoy this great Halloween craft for kids and make these beautiful spider web salt paintings

Step 1: Use glue to draw your webs

Squeeze PVA glue to draw some spider’s webs on your black card.

Step 2: Pour on the salt

How to make salt painted spiders web - enjoy this great Halloween craft for kids and make these beautiful spider web salt paintings

Step 2: Pour on the salt

Shake salt all over the picture until every bit of glue is covered.

Step 3: Shake it, shake it

How to make salt painted spiders web - enjoy this great Halloween craft for kids and make these beautiful spider web salt paintings

Step 3: Shake it, shake it

Now shake off all the salt over the bin, leaving behind salty webs.

Step 4: Drop on the paint

How to make salt painted spiders web - enjoy this great Halloween craft for kids and make these beautiful spider web salt paintings

Step 4: Drop on the paint

Water down a little pot of white, orange and gold paint. You want your paints to be very watery so that they will drip from the end of your brush.

Starting with the white paint, drop blobs over the salt until all the salt has been covered.

Step 5: Add some colour

How to make salt painted spiders web - enjoy this great Halloween craft for kids and make these beautiful spider web salt paintings

Step 5: Add some colour

Now add blobs of orange, and then gold paint to your webs to make them look more Halloweeny.

Step 6: Sparkle and shine

How to make salt painted spiders web - enjoy this great Halloween craft for kids and make these beautiful spider web salt paintings

Step 6: Sparkle and shine

Finally shake glitter all over the spider’s web to make it shimmer and glisten.

Your shimmering spider’s web painting can even be hung up as Halloween decorations!

How to make salt painted spiders web - enjoy this great Halloween craft for kids and make these beautiful spider web salt paintings
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