Tweenager (10-12yrs)
The Tweens are the slightly awkward phase that comes right after early childhood and just before puberty. Discover tips for parenting tweens along with research about common issues and insights on challenges that other parents of Tweens face.
Browse all Tweenager (10-12yrs) articles
Why the Santa box trend is taking over Christmas Eve in the UK
By Mas & Pas
Younger siblings teach older siblings this important lesson
By Mas & Pas
15 easy ways to make your child feel special
By Mas & Pas
My favourite hand to hold
By Mas & Pas
Peas in a pod: is it good for kids to share a bedroom?
By Mas & Pas
Why parenting tweens is so exhausting
By Mas & Pas
Why the Santa box trend is taking over Christmas Eve in the UK
By Mas & Pas
Younger siblings teach older siblings this important lesson
By Mas & Pas
15 easy ways to make your child feel special
By Mas & Pas
My favourite hand to hold
By Mas & Pas
Peas in a pod: is it good for kids to share a bedroom?
By Mas & Pas
Why parenting tweens is so exhausting
By Mas & Pas