Playtime Learning
Number Playdough Mats with Spotty Dogs
Teaching numbers
Each number from 1-10 has its own free printable number mat. They can help your child learn 4 important first numeracy skills:
- To recognise the numbers from 1 – 10.
- To count out those numbers (by placing the right number of spots on their puppy for each number mat).
- To form of each number (by moulding playdough into the number shapes).
- To write out the numbers on the bottom line of each number playdough mat.
It’s all done using these colorful downloads that are easy to print off and get started with.
Time: 20 minutes
Ages: Little kids to Big kids
Difficulty to make: Easy peasy
Skills: Recognising, counting & writing numbers 1 to 10

You will need:
- Playdough
- Pen or pencil (for writing out numbers)
- FREE number playdough printables (click on the links to view and print):
All Number Playdough Mats 1-10 Combined (10 pages)
Individual Number Mats:
Number Playdough Mat 1
Number Playdough Mat 2
Number Playdough Mat 3
Number Playdough Mat 4
Number Playdough Mat 5
Number Playdough Mat 6
Number Playdough Mat 7
Number Playdough Mat 8
Number Playdough Mat 9
Number Playdough Mat 10

Step 1: Print out your number playdough mat for numbers from 1 to 10
Print out the number playdough mats. There is one for each number from 1 to 10 (click on the links to view and print).
All Number Playdough Mats 1-10 Combined (10 pages)
Individual Number Mats:
Number Playdough Mat 1
Number Playdough Mat 2
Number Playdough Mat 3
Number Playdough Mat 4
Number Playdough Mat 5
Number Playdough Mat 6
Number Playdough Mat 7
Number Playdough Mat 8
Number Playdough Mat 9
Number Playdough Mat 10

Step 2: Recognise the Number
Take your first playdough mat. Ask your child to read the number at the top of the sheet.
Can they tell you what number it is? If they are unsure you can tell them.
Can they trace it with their finger? Show them where to start and guide them as they follow the shape of the number with their finger.

Step 3: Count out the right number of spots
Ask your child to take some playdough and roll out small balls of it between their hands to make the dog’s spots.
Let them count out the balls until they reach the number they are working with. In this example it’s the mat for the number 3 so they would count out 3 balls.
Place the balls on the dog in the printable. Press them down slightly so that they flatten.
Your puppy should now have as many spots as the number shown on the sheet.

Step 4: Mould number shapes
For the next step, look again at the large number at the top of the worksheet. You’re going to mould some playdough into the shape of this number.
Ask your child to start by rolling out a long ‘sausage’ of playdough. Then help them curl it round so that it fits onto the number shape, sitting on top of it.
Can they tell you if the number has curves or corners, or both?

Step 5: Write out the numbers
This step is a follow on activity for older children. Before starting your child should now feel more comfortable with:
- recognising the numbers shown on each number playdough mat.
- counting out the right number of spots to add to their dogs.
- moulding the number shape out of playdough.
They will probably feel much more familiar with the written number’s shape, form and meaning.
They are now ready to practice writing the number by tracing over the dotted lines on each number worksheet.
Make sure they’re holding the pencil correctly. Remind them where to place it in order to start writing each number.
You may even want to write out the first one or two together before they try on their own. After that it’s just a matter of letting them practice it a little each day until they get the hang of it and can write them out independently.

Working your way up to 10
Each number mat has quite a few activities bundled into one, so you might want to split it up so that you can do a little each day. You can either:
- Do one number mat at a time, working through all 4 stages of the activity.
- Do one activity for all the number mats first (for example you could count out all the spots on all the mats) before moving onto the next.
However you choose to do it, the most important thing is that kids enjoy playing around with numbers and counting. Hands-on activities like these should help make first numeracy fun!
FREE Printable Number Playdough Mats From 1-10
Click to view and print. An example of one is pictured below.
All Number Playdough Mats 1-10 Combined (10 pages)
Individual Number Mats:
Number Playdough Mat 1
Number Playdough Mat 2
Number Playdough Mat 3
Number Playdough Mat 4
Number Playdough Mat 5
Number Playdough Mat 6
Number Playdough Mat 7
Number Playdough Mat 8
Number Playdough Mat 9
Number Playdough Mat 10