How to make your decorations
Think of a festive shape that you could make from your pipe cleaner. You could go with an easy round bauble or make a more complicated shape like a bell, star, tree or even a snowman.
Thread the beads onto your pipe cleaner and then bend it into the shape you have chosen. Twist the ends of the pipe cleaner together to secure the beads in place.
Here are three decorations we made. You can use the same techniques to make many different shapes, such as angels, stars and bells. Let your creativity flow.
You will need:
- Pipe cleaners
- Beads – different colours
To make a bauble

Step 1: Thread your beads onto a pipe cleaner
This is the easiest decoration to make. Simply thread lots of beads onto a pipe cleaner.

Step 2: Twist the ends together
Leave a little space clear at both ends and twist the pipe cleaner together to secure the beads in place. Twist the ends into a bow or loop to make a hanger.
To make a tree

Step 1: Join two pipe cleaners together
You will find it easier to use two pipe cleaners joined together to make a tree.
Simply twist two pipe cleaners to make one very long one.

Step 2: Make the tree base
Now add about ten beads to make the base of your tree.
Stop and twist up the pipe cleaners up at each side to make points.

Step 3: Make the branches
Add a few more beads on each side and then twist the pipe cleaners again to make another sharp point.

Step 4: Add a star at the top
Keep adding beads and twisting the pipe cleaners until you have made your tree.
We added a little star bead at the very end to finish it off.
To make a snowman

Step 1: Make the body and head
Join two pipe cleaners together and then thread on lots of white beads.
Twist your pipe cleaners to form a round body and a smaller round head.

Step 2: Make some arms
Take a silver or brown pipe cleaner and twist it to make a little stick arm.

Step 3: Secure the arms in place
Twist the ends of your arms onto your snowman to fix them in place.

Step 4: Make a hat
Use a black pipe cleaner to make a hat. Cut one small length to make the base.
Then take a longer piece and bend it into a hat shape.
Join them together by twisting the ends.
To secure your hat in place cut a tiny piece of black pipe cleaner and use it to twist the hat to the top of your snowman’s head.
Enjoy hanging these beautiful handmade Christmas decorations on the tree