Why not turn them into beautiful decorations with one of our easy seashell crafts? These pretty painted seashell pups can be made using just paint and card.
Gather shells on a seaside walk and enjoy this perfect summer craft for kids.
Time: 15 minutes
Ages: Little kids to Tweens
Difficulty: Easypeasy

You will need:
- Big and little shells
- Acrylic paints
- Paintbrushes
- Googly eyes
- Coloured card
- Scissors
- Glue gun or strong glue

Step 1: Glue tiny shells onto bigger ones (optional)
Take a large limpet shell or scallop shell and glue a tiny shell on the tip, as shown.
A glue gun works really well for this, or you can use very strong glue.
This bit is optional. It just makes the dog’s noses stand out a little. If you can’t find any tiny shells then you can skip this step.

Step 2: Paint your shells
Paint the shells all over, choosing one colour of paint for your puppy’s ‘fur’.
Your dog might have black, grey, white, brown or yellow fur.
We used acrylic paint, which covers the shells well in a thick layer. You can paint on 2 coats if you would like extra coverage.

Step 3: Paint on the nose
Paint a little oval of white paint on the small shell or on your nose area. Then paint on a black nose and mouth.
If you like you can also add on some extra details for your pup, like a white stripe as shown above, or spots.

Step 4: Make your puppy’s ears
Cut some ear shapes from card. You might want to paint them in the same colour that you used for your dog’s fur, or just use card in the same colour.
You can cut floppy ears, little pointy ears, droopy ears or even make little snips in the edges to make super fluffy ears!

Step 5: Glue on the ears
Glue the ears onto your puppy, either above, on top of or behind your painted shell.
A glue gun works well or use strong glue.

Step 6: Stick on your pup’s eyes
Now all you need to do is glue on some googly eyes to bring your little shell puppy to life.
You can make a whole pack of seashell pups with these easy seashell crafts