This interactive ice cream counting activity for toddlers can help your child learn the numbers 1-10. They can then learn how to count out the number of dots and match them to the right number. In this way they are able to see visually what each number means.
Enjoy this quick and easy summer learning activity for little ones.
Time: 15 minutes
Age: Toddlers to Little kids
Difficulty to make: Easy peasy
Skill: Counting from 1 to 10

You will need:
- Yellow, cream and pink card
- Round stickers, different colours
- Scissors
- Pens

Step 1: Cut out ice cream cones
Draw an ice cream cone shape on yellow card.
Cut it out and use it as a template to cut out 9 more yellow ice cream cones.

Step 2: Cut out some yummy ice cream scoops
Cut out semi circles of cream card to make your ice cream balls. Make sure that the base of the semi circle is the same width as the top of your ice cream cone. It can be a good idea to cut out one and use it as a template for the rest again.
Do the same for the tall semi circle shapes, making them longer and taller than the ice cream balls, and in a different coloured card.
You will need 10 ice cream balls and 10 tall semicircle shapes.

Step 3: Turn your cones into wafers
Use a yellow or brown pen to draw criss-cross lines on your cones, to make them look more like wafers.

Step 4: Write out your numbers and count out the stickers
Line up your ice cream cone, your ice cream balls and your taller ice cream balls.
On each semicircular ice cream ball write a number – from 1- 10.
On each long pink shape, stick little dot stickers to match the number below it. Do this from numbers 1-10 and keep the stickers on the top half of the shape. This is because this shape will sit behind the numbered ones on the ice cream cone.
You can laminate all the ice cream pieces if you like, to make them sturdier and longer lasting. That way you can bring out this game to play whenever you feel like.

How to play:
Mix up all the pieces and ask your child to pick out a long shape with dots on it. Ask them to count up the dots and tell you how many there are.
Then ask them to look through the numbered ice cream balls and find the number that corresponds to the dots. Line them all up on a cone to complete their ice cream.
They can also play this game the other way round i.e. picking up a numbered ice cream ball and then searching for the correct number of dots which corresponds to it.
Can they correctly make ten ice creams all with matching numbers and amounts of sprinkles?
Turn it into a memory game
Once your little ones have mastered the concept of numbers and counting the dots you could turn this into a mini memory game for young children.
- Make two piles: one with the numbered ice cream balls and one with the longer ‘dotted’ ice cream balls.
- Share out the dotted ice cream balls between you.
- Turn the numbered ice cream balls face down. Lay them out on the floor between you and shuffle them around so that they’re mixed up.
- The first player picks up their first dotted shape. Count out the number of dots. You now want to try to find the corresponding ice cream scoop with that number from the cards between you.
- Turn one of the numbered ice cream balls over. Does it match the number of dots on your card? If so then pair it with your dotted ice cream ball and ice cream cone and move onto the next one. If not then show the other player what number it was, turn it over again and return it to its original place.
- Take it in turns to pick up the numbers until you find your matches. When you do, move onto the next dotted ice cream cone.
- As you play, try to remember where all the numbers are so that you can complete your ice cream cones faster than the other player.
Who will be first to complete all their ice cream cones?
Your child will have lots of fun making number ice creams in this fun summer learning game