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3 years ago
Hello everyone.. feeling really anxious because at the age of 36 earkier this year i became pregnant for the 1st time and had lost hope thinking because i thought already at this age if i hadnt gotten pregnant i wouldnt ever be able to but to my surprise i did and me and my fiance became excited it would be both of ours 1st childever but unfortunately 2 weeks later i hasa miscarriage😔. It waa horrible i grieved so much and was devasted for weeks i didnt quite understand how i became so attached to something who hadnt even devlop yet..however i found it to be so difficult and hard to swallow. I was 5 weeks. Now i became pregnant again and am now 9weeks but although this should be the happiest moment of my life, im finding it so hard to be excited and have become super nervous and anxious that the same thing might occur. I feel like i cant sleep focus work or do anything but be on gaurd that history might repeat itself. Any advice on how to relax and ease my mind more?