Fun Kids Crafts
Pebble Hedgehog Family
Time: 20 minutes
Age: Toddler to Big Kids
Difficulty: Easy peasy

What you need:
- Selection of pebbles
- Acrylic paints: yellow, brown and black
- Paintbrushes
Gather some pebbles on a family walk.
Look for flat, oblong or round shaped pebbles. Wash with water and pat dry.

Step 1: Paint the pebbles yellow
Paint the pebbles in yellow or light brown paint. We recommend using acrylic paints as they give a nice thick layer over the pebble (children’s paints sometimes don’t work as well).
If necessary paint 2 coats of paint on each pebble. You don’t need to paint the underside, as this won’t show.

Step 2: Paint on their brown backs
Now paint a large section at the back of the pebbles dark brown to make the hedgehog bodies.

Step 3: Add their faces and prickles
Paint on the eyes, noses and little zigzag patterns for the prickles, using a fine paintbrush and black paint.
You could use a black permanent marker like a Sharpie pen instead if you want to be more precise.
Why not make a whole pebble hedgehog family?