Fun Kids Craft
Little pebble monsters
They will love the experience of collecting up the stones. They can then quickly transform them into little pebble monsters with just a bit of paint.
Let their imaginations run wild as they create different expressions on each of their little monster characters.
You can keep your painted pebbles as decorations around the home. Or you could leave them somewhere along a walk for other children to find and post about it as part of the #LoveRocks trend on social media.
Time: 20 minutes
Age: Toddlers to Big kids
Difficulty: Easy peasy

You will need:
- A selection of smooth flat pebbles
- Acrylic paints in different colours (acrylic works better over children’s paint)
- Paintbrushes
- Cotton buds (optional)
Gather some small flat pebbles on a family walk.
Give them a quick wash and let them dry completely before you start painting.

Step 1: Paint the stones
Paint your pebbles all over in different bright colours.
Acrylic paints work really well to cover the stones in a thick layer. They also dry with a nice shine.
Your monster rocks will look better if you can apply a second coat of paint after the first has dried.

Step 2: Paint the eyes
Paint little white dots for the eyes.

Step 3: Give them some funny expressions
Use black paint to add dots to the centre of the eyes and to paint on the mouths.
Your child can give their pebble monsters different expressions and feelings by painting the mouth in different ways. You can then use it as an opportunity to go over naming emotions with your child. Is their pebble monster ‘happy’ ‘sad’ ‘surprised’ or ‘worried’?
They might also want to paint on some teeth, ears, spots, zigzags or other monster features. Let their imagination flow!
If you want your pebbles to be more durable – for example if you plan to use them outdoors – add a quick coat of varnish too finish them off. (It’s always better for an adult to do this bit).
Enjoy your little pebble monsters!

If you loved this craft, you could join the #LoveontheRocks craze on social media.
Find pebbles in your area and leave your own pebble crafts for other little monsters to find.
Have you heard about the #Love on the Rocks craze? It started in America but has made its way over to our shores and it keeps on growing.
The idea is simple (and lovely). You paint some pebbles however you like. You could make the pebble monsters in this craft or simply paint on pretty patterns or kind messages.
Gather your painted pebbles and take them with you on a family walk. Hide them along the way for other people to find as a nice surprise.
You could even post about it on social media. Facebook groups are popping up all over the UK where you can add photos. Members also include little messages about where they have hidden their rocks as well as where they’ve found them in their local areas.
Search ‘Love on the rocks UK’ on Facebook to see if you can find a group near you or visit: Love on the Rocks UK.