Whether it’s throwing on a tiara or boogying on down in the kitchen, loving fathers go to great lengths to have fun with their kids and make them happy.
Dads, you might not feel cool to anyone looking in from the outside. But to your child – you’re the real deal.
Here are 11 things loving fathers do for their kids:
They drink endless cups of pretendy tea
No matter how big or bad you are, if your 2 year old asks you to attend a tea party you do it.
You get down on the carpet, don’t flinch when asked to wear a tiara and hold out your pinkie to drink cup after cup of invisible tea.
Scones anyone?
They get on down to their favourite songs
And the actions too. Dads sing their kids’ songs with more passion than an X Factor contestant at Judge’s Houses and add some unique dad actions to go with them too.
All together now…Baby Shark Do do do do do dooo.
They cry when Simba’s dad dies
Dads might have sat through Frozen 27 times, been to the cinema with the kids to see Despicable Me 3 but they still sob your eyes out when Mufasa dies in The Lion King.
The bit when Simba cries ‘Daaaad’ can nearly break any parent down and you ask your child if you can fast forward that bit.
They’re not afraid to ‘Let it Go’
Dads if your son asks you to put on a princess dress and dance round the living room to ‘Let it Go’ – you’re on it. And you don’t hold back.
You swirl and twirl and dance like nobody’s watching.

There’s a glittery loo roll on their work desk
Dads took that homemade pen pot to work and actually use it. It was a Father’s Day present their kids made out of loo rolls and glitter.
It might be a bit wonky but it has pride of place on their office desk and makes them smile every morning when they see it there to greet them.
Even if it does cover everything in glitter.
Once a year they dress up as a pumpkin
Each Halloween they’re there, dressed up in an outlandish costume, ready to take the kids Trick or Treating.
If the costume involves tights – they’re on it. No holds barred.
They think outside the box
When their partner’s feeling frazzled dads step in and think outside the box to find a solution to tricky parenting problems.
The baby won’t stop crying?
Easy – play The Imperial March from Star Wars!
They’re the best at finding the most unlikely and outlandish ways to do things. And they usually work!
They’re there by their side when kids need them most
Perhaps their child has been practising for their dance show for weeks but when it comes to the big performance, the nerves take over.
They don’t hesitate to get up there and be by her side to help her out.

They do the BEST Gruffalo voices
Bedtime stories with Dad can be the highlight of their day.
They don’t just read the story but you go all out to do the best voices for all the characters – using all the best accents and acting skills.
Dads are surprised the phone call hasn’t come in yet for them to read a CBeebies bedtime story, so honed are their skills.

They give the biggest bear hugs
When their child needs it most they scoop them up in their arms and give the very best Daddy hugs.
Everything seems so much better after a big cuddle.
So whichever way you choose to be with your kids, enjoy it and dare to be one of the coolest dads in town!